Professional Activities


EDBT/ICDT 2026: International Conference on Extending Database Technology & International Conference on Database Theory, Tampere, Finland. [Web Chair]

UniversAI: Exploring the Universe with Artificial Intelligence. International Astronomical Union (IAU) symposium, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece, 2025. [Scientific Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair, Co-Editor]

ADBIS/TPDL 2025: European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems / International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Tampere, Finland. [Proceedings Chair]

TaDA 2024, TaDA 2023: Tabular Data Analysis Workshop, co-located with VLDB. [Workshop co-Chair – main contact]

VLDB 2023 PhD Workshop: PhD Workshop of the Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) conference, Vancouver, Canada. [Workshop co-Chair]

ESWC 2023: Extended Semantic Web Conference, Heraklion, Greece. [Posters & Demos co-Chair]

SemTab 2024, SemTab 2023, SemTab 2022, SemTab 2021, SemTab 2020, SemTab 2019: Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching, co-located with ISWC. [Challenge co-Chair]

Guest Editor

Journal of Web Semantics, Special Issue on Automating Knowledge Graph Construction (2021).

Guest Editorial Board Member

Semantic Web Journal, Special Issue on Ontology Matching and Machine Learning (2024).

Senior Program Committee Member

ESWC 2024, ESWC 2023: Extended Semantic Web Conference.

Program Committee Member

SIGMOD 2025 (Research Track), 2023 (Demo Track), 2019 (Demo Track)
ICWE 2024 (Posters & Demos Track)
EDBT 2024 (Demo Track), 2023 (Demo Track)
IJCAI 2023
WWW 2023, 2022 [honorable mention as PC member], 2021
ICDE 2023 (Industry & Applications Track), 2020
ISWC 2023 (Posters & Demos Track), 2022 (Posters & Demos Track)
DL4KG @ ISWC 2023 (Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs)
NeSy @ IJCLR 2023, 2022, 2021 (Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning)
KnOD @ WWW 2021 – 2024 (Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis)
CIKM 2022
TRL @ NeurIPS 2022 (Table Representation Learning Workshop)
DOLAP @ EDBT 2022, 2021 (Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data)
VLDB 2021 (Demo Track)
KiML @ KDD 2020 (Workshop on Knowledge-infused Mining and Learning)
LASCAR @ ESWC 2020 (Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics)
IEEE Big Data 2020, 2019 (Industry & Government Track)

Journal Referee

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DAMI)
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) – SI: Deep Learning for Data Quality
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
Information Systems
Semantic Web Journal
ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ)
Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS)
Big Data Research
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS)
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology (JSSAM)